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Reviews> Chery Hybrids for the Olympic Games - April 2008
The Chinese Olympic Committee recently announced that the Chinese
car makers Chery
Automobile will be providing 50 of the 80 vehicles required for
the Olympic traffic services. Chery will supply fifty Hybrid Chery A5
model cars for the 2008 Beijing Olympics in China.
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Chinese Olympic Committee said that among the eighty vehicles
for Olympic traffic services, Chery won a share of fifty. The
Chinese auto maker had to compete with participating international
car brands and became the first Chinese auto brand to appear in
the Olympic Games. The Chery vehicles will consists of 40 BSG
hybrids and 10 ISG hybrids, which are both based on the Chery
A5 model vehicle.
The first electric car was used in the Munich Olympic Games of
1972. Since Munich, all the Olympic Games have used the vehicles
with greenest technology available at the time. The world's top
automakers, including BMW and GM have provided the hybrid technology.
This is a step forward by Chery in the area of environment protection,
which is increasingly becoming a major problem in China and throughout
the world. The fuel economy of the Chery BSG A5 is improved by
about 10%-15%, while its carbon dioxide emission is reduced by
12%: while the fuel economy of the Chery ISG A5 is improved by
about 25%-30%, while its carbon dioxide emission is reduced by
approximately 12%.
The pollution caused by car exhaust is a major factor in global
warming which is already causing problems worldwide. With a population
in the billions, China is seeing its people wanting more and more
cars each year, adding to the choking pollution that already exists
throughout China and the world.
Chery says it will work towards the healthy and sustainable development
of the Chinese auto industry, aiming to make cars that are both
affordable and more friendly to the environment.
Chery also produces the Chery
A1 car in China.
Photo of the Chinese hybrid car from Chery Automobile, A5 - 2007
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