Want to advertise with us at AutoDealerUS? Our visitors are mostly American individuals looking to buy a new or used car in the near future. They’re either researching what make or model vehicle to buy or they’re looking for a product or service relating to cars like insurance, car servicing, modifications, car leasing or vehicle loans. If you have a product or service that you think our visitors will love then get in touch with us.
Special Auto Advertising Rates
For a limited time we’re offering special advertising rates for auto companies looking to promote their product or service. We’re currently rebuilding our auto website so there will be page changing and moving and being added constantly for the next few months. So we’re offering sitewide banner advertising for just $50 USD each.
This is a special rate for 2020 only
So we have two advertising options.
Auto Ad Option 1: Top right hand side in the horizontal 720×90 format. This is $50 USD per month with only one advertiser at a time in this position.

Auto Ad Option 2: The other advertising option is in the sidebar in the upper right side of each page in a rectangle 336×280 size ad.

Contact us below to have your product or service seen by thousands of new potential customers every month.