Maserati is an Italian car brand that was founded by Italian automotive engineer Alfieri Maserati. Maserati manufactures sedans, coupes, and SUV vehicles. They’re best know for their luxury sports cars and SUVs. Maserati headquarters are currently in Modena, Italy in Europe. Maserati is the car company that has a trident logo.
Maserati Car Logo
The Maserati logo consists of an upright standing oval containing a red trident and the word Maserati in it. The Maserati logo refers to the city of Bologna where the auto maker was founded. The trident symbol used in the logo is a common site in the city with the statue of Neptune holding a trident being a major centerpiece. The Fountain of Neptune or Fontana di Nettuno is a monumental statue in the Piazza Nettuno square in Bologna, Italy. It is believed that Mario Maserati, the artist of the family designed the first Maserati logo.

Below is a promotional image of the luxury car makers Maserati automobile logo, showing the trident symbol and the stylized Maserati text.

Below is a detail of the Fountain of Neptune statue with the male nude figure holding a trident. A trident is a three pronged spear used as a military weapon or for spear fishing.

See below for a close up view of the trident logo of the Maserati Quattroporte on the front grill, Maserati symbol logo.

Maserati badge and trident symbol on the grille of a 2009 Maserati Quattroporte car.

Another view of the famous Maserati symbol from the Italian luxury car makers.

In the picture below is an old version of the Maserati logo with the red trident symbol and a pale yellow color filling the oval shape.

Below is a close up of the famous trident logo used by the Italian car maker in 1956 on a Maserati A6G-2000 Allemano.

Below is a larger close up view of the famous Trident used by the Italian sports car maker.

More on the Emblems, Symbols and of Logo Maserati
What do you think of the Maserati logo used by the famous Italian car maker? Let us know in the comments below. For more on the Maserati car company see the Maserati History or Maserati car quotes.
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