Welcome to the Michael Schumacher quotes page on the Auto Dealer US automotive portal. Michael Schumacher is a famous German racing car driver best known for his championship winning career as a Formula 1 driver. Born on 3 January 1969 in Hürth, West Germany. Schumacher had a serious skiing accident in 2013 and suffered severe brain injury. Find other Notable People here or return to the Car Quotes page.
Michael Schumacher Quotes and Sayings
In sport there is never any moment that is the same as the other. I have been in Formula One for twelve years, and out of that I had one year with the perfect car.
Michael Schumacher Quotes + Sports Quotes
I always thought records were there to be broken.
Michael Schumacher Quotes + Record Quotes
I know what I am, and what I have to do in my profession, so I can handle the pressure. It’s the way I think.
Michael Schumacher Quotes + Pressure Quotes
Those who have come into Formula One without experiencing cars devoid of electronic aids will find it tough. To control 800 horsepower relying just on arm muscles and foot sensitivity can turn out to be a dangerous exercise.
Michael Schumacher Quotes + Formula 1 Quotes
You win a race, the next race it’s a question mark. Are you still the best or not? That’s what is funny. But that’s what is interesting. And that’s what is challenging. You have to prove yourself every time.
Michael Schumacher Quotes + Winning Quotes
Just being a mediocre driver has never been my ambition. That’s not my style.
Michael Schumacher Quotes + Driving Quotes
Cars are what they are and you have to find a way to drive around them. That’s the way it was in the past and the way it still is. I didn’t expect to come into a complete new structure and restart where I had finished at Ferrari.
Michael Schumacher Quotes + Car Quotes
You try to hide your emotions, so as not to show weaknesses to others. I believe it’s the same for every sportsman.
Michael Schumacher Quotes + Sportsman Quotes
I have this natural ability of knowing how fast I can go into this corner, without going out too often. It’s an instinct.
Michael Schumacher Quotes + Speed Quotes
Everybody wants to live. We don’t do it for the thrill of the danger. We do it for the thrill of speed sensation, being with the limit. But not really wanting to go off and have an accident.
Michael Schumacher Quotes + Risk Quotes
The reason I came back was not to have a nice story in the media but because I enjoy driving. That’s what I’m here for and I feel on the right path. Things will improve and it’s just the pure joy I’m looking for.
Michael Schumacher Quotes + Racing Quotes
I have had a great time at Ferrari and there is no reason to change. They have offered me to stay as long as I feel like driving. And that is the best compliment a team can give a driver.
Michael Schumacher Quotes + Team Quotes
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