Subaru is a Japanese car brand that was founded by Chikuhei Nakajima. Subaru manufacture a full range of passenger vehicles, SUVs, Cross overs, hatches, sedans, and high performance cars in Japan and factories around the world. They’re best known for their reliable cars and their high performance vehicles. Subaru is the car company that has the six stars representing the Pleiades star cluster in their logo.
Subaru Car Logo
The Subaru logo consists of a bordered blue oval with 5 small stars and one large star in it. The stars represent Pleiades star cluster in the star constellation of Taurus.

The Pleiades star cluster M45 is known as Subaru in Japan. It used to be known as Mutsuraboshi or Six Stars. The stars in the logo refer to the five companies who came together to make the one larger and stronger Fuji Heavy Industries company.
Below is old Subaru badge showing the 6 stars of the Subaru star cluster.

Below you can see the Subaru emblem of the Japanese car makers at their display at the Detroit Auto Show in the United States of America in 2011.

More on the Emblems, Symbols and Logo of Subaru
What do you think of the Subaru logo used by the famous Japanese car maker? Can you add to the meaning of the logo? Let us know in the comments below. For more on the Subaru car company see the Subaru Dealerships, Subaru Quotes, or the Subaru Company history here.
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